Sunday, October 29, 2006

Early Luna's

This picture is Charles Luna and Dub Dixon shooting marbles, It was not made up. Momma slipped around the house and took it with a old Kodak box camera. Both pictures around 1935. I am hold up a 10 lb stick of pepermint candy, Momma won in a drawing. We never did have much candy, so we sure ate up. Daddy died in 1933, leaving Momma with 4 kids, 3 to 13 years old. We had to live in what we could find. I started in first grade and walked 3 miles and 3 miles back, rain or shine. No electricity, cistern for water and out house, or barn to do your duty. The landlord finally fixed up the house and put a porch on it. Picture at bottom is left to right, Billy Joe, Doris, Grandma Luna holding me and Charles holding a small rabbit, building in back was a syrup mill, powered by mules.


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